"Ït takes minimal a year the least to fight acne." That's what the doctor told me when I seek for consultation for the first time. What I am about to share here is my journey fighting acne and of course medication treatment that Ï had seek during the journey with local doctor. I am sharing what I had been through and of most important, where to seek for medication. Just a gentle reminder, what you are about to see while scrolling down may be gross and disgusting. Acne had never left me ever since I got it during my high school time. They were close friend of mine that never intend to say goodbye. It comes back once a while visiting when ever they feel like it BUT never this serious it got me collapsed. Do you even know how it feels like waking up every morning having terror to look into the mirror? Have you ever feel the needle poke pain on your face even just rinse through with plain water? Can you understand how pressure it is to go out of the house and havin...