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Journey Fighting Acne

"Ït takes minimal a year the least to fight acne." That's what the doctor told me when I seek for consultation for the first time. What I am about to share here is my journey fighting acne and of course medication treatment that Ï had seek during the journey with local doctor. I am sharing what I had been through and of most important, where to seek for medication. Just a gentle reminder, what you are about to see while scrolling down may be gross and disgusting. 

Acne had never left me ever since I got it during my high school time. They were close friend of mine that never intend to say goodbye. It comes back once a while visiting when ever they feel like it BUT never this serious it got me collapsed. 

Do you even know how it feels like waking up every morning having terror to look into the mirror? Have you ever feel the needle poke pain on your face even just rinse through with plain water? Can you understand how pressure it is to go out of the house and having all eyes on you because you look ugly? That's when I am slowly getting into depression.

That's when I thought I should look for a doctor. Came across this doctor which was introduced by a friend of mine. Her colleague was having the same problem and told me about it. I might as well just gave it a shot because I have nothing to lose at this point. It's a 50-50 chance to turn things around.

Upon the first consultation, was given a face wash (*attached a picture below) and acne cream for application. Starts with really mild medication as a trial to see whether my sensitive skin could cope with it or not. The first few weeks of medication, redness seems to fade away but pimple doesn't seems to slow down spreading on my face. The spreading can be described as a group of army conquering the land. Within a month, from face it spread till my neck.

However, I am liking the facial wash. The facial wash is gentle to your acne. It doesn't hurt BUT yet it soothes the pain. Feeling cool and with tiny beads it help removes dirt. Some may think it hurts due to the beads BUT believe me, not at all. Of course be gentle when you cleanse too. So, Trust me! I'm speaking this base on experienced. If you are interested, you may see more about their product at their facebook page here. I believe it is available at any local pharmacy BUT so far I know ML MAJU PHARMACY located at boulevard commercial area is selling this range. You may check them out here too. I am sure they are more than happy to help you.

(*picture credited to ISIS Pharma fb page)

Doctor advised alternative treatment when things got worst. Returning every month for consultation & medication treatment, hoping doctor would told me some good news but she always failed me. Condition that doesn't show any improvement makes me feel rather depressed and having sign of giving up.

A relative of mine who is a doctor came across my situation recommended me Roaccutane, a medication for severe acne patients. It actually dries up your acne effectively but there's some side effects for such high dosage medication. First, there's high possibility of depression. Second, you will be facing super dry skin so you have to keep hydrated at all times. Third, you can't be pregnant within that 6 months during consumption. This information are based on what I can recalled off. So, please do consult your doctor for other side effects and more accurate information. You won't be able to purchase this medication in any pharmacy unless with doctor prescription. Please please please, talk to your doctor before you proceed with any medication.

I personally did not consume it. Talk to my doctor regards the medicine but she objected because she thinks I had sign of depression and being very emotional unstable. Therefore, she is not encouraging oral medication except for antibiotics and continue with application medication.

(it got worst after 4 months of medication)

After couple of months changing from Retinol to differin or also known as Retin A with slowly graduated percentage, THANK GOD! it finally show some improvement. Only after 3 months of application, acne dries out and no pimples popping out anymore but still under antibiotics controlled.

Probably you may get bored of reading by now but since you had reached here why not keep scrolling down because that's where the transformation starts!

Completely stop antibiotics on June after fighting for 8 months. Still on moderate Retin A and also hydroquinone to lighten up the scars. 6 months after, my face totally recovered and much much lighter. Still, sometimes there will be some small pimple pop out once in a while due to menstrual that causes hormone imbalance. But hey, what else more could I ask for? look at me now? Do I need to say more? I am a much happier person now.

It is not the medication that I am trying to guide you with. It's the first step that you have to take when things happened. I tend to neglect my acne problem for the first few months because I thought it is just normal until it spread all over my face. I tend to believe something out there may get it solved without much budget spend. Struggling for 7 months and finally gave up and seek for a proper treatment. Ladies, please do not play around with your skin especially your face. You never know the root of the problem till you seek the professional and they sort out the problem out for you.

This is not a paid advertisement but I would love to share this lovely doctor who had patiently treated me and definitely generous too to offer me different alternative treatment base on my tight budget. Understand that we have limited specialist in town, I am giving Mirians alternative to choose when there's similar cases happen.

Dr Teo's Clinic (Dr Eunice)
Lot 1158, Jalan Sri Dagang,
Waterfront Commercial Centre,
98000 Miri, Sarawak.

Tel : +60 85 424209 / 423875

I am truly hoping this post could help anyone of you out there who face the same problem. Do not be shy to seek for professional. They will definitely help you with their professional advises that suits you best rather than you spend money and try out products on the market shelf that may turns things into nightmare.


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