Kuching had been really amazed me. Explore lots of interesting food and also "a" interesting place. You will never get to find such place at Miri or anywhere at KL. However this place is not easy to find. It is somewhere near to the housing area.
By looking at the appearance you will never get to imagine it is a treasure beneath it. It is such breath taking and every little section you went is giving you much of surprises.

There's not much light within only supported by the lang tern. Day time, partial of the building is actually open air which you will get to see the sunlight. It is a truly relaxing and great de-stress place because what you get to do is slow down and enjoy yourself to the maximum with the facilities that they provide.

Washroom. And I'm lovin' those sign board that they put. Awareness to other customer however do distract them too.
Where you get to enjoy the funniest action of your friend when they feel itchy with the fish bites. Laughter surrounded this area just like it's name, Secret Sanctuary.
The charges is definitely reasonable. Only RM30 per pax and you get to enjoy all the facilities. It is better to go during evening time because noon is too hot and night is too dark. Did I mention there's Jacuzzi too? It is a small one and we fit in 6 of us in there. hahahahaha
It is a great day to spend but tiring too because we over played and use much energy especially in the pool. We are so hungry that our dinner we eat like Gulliver. NO believe? Stay tuned!