This is the big thing that everyone had been waiting for. It had been almost 2 years. They did not show last year which it should be. This is the last part for Harry Potter, Harry Potter Deathly Hallow. It was divided into 2 parts and I am hoping that Part 2 will blast me off. This time round, there's more battle scene than before. It won't makes you feel boring, just between Voldemort and Harry Potter all the time. Everyone knows they battle among each other but some how they should something new in their story line. Dobby once again appeared in Harry Potter 7. He is still so cute and lovely even he is still very talkative. But somehow his life comes to an end together with almost ending of Harry Potter. The moment he died was so touching and I kinda drop tears when I saw that moment. A few scenes that you will get to see in the movie. You will heard some familiar magics in the movie. You will get to recall back what you had watch previously. See it and enjoy it. Hope you go...