This the first time ever I watch a 3D movie. I never knew what g-force movie is about till I saw this poster. I never even heard of it or watch their trailer before. This movie was awesome to me as the imagination goes beyond my expectation. I always love artistic people because they think what we, normal beings don't. It was fantastic to have animals saving the planet. You will never see this in real life except we are training monkeys to go out of space? The world gonna change because of these electrical stuff that we used from day to day. What is more out of expectation is that the one who wanted to destroy or conquer the world is indeed not a human. You can never imagine how professional these animal work in the movie. I know this was ridiculous but somehow it was great for me. Ending is of course a good one which we used to have except The Dark Night. Wanna know in more details? Watch it and you will know!