Enough of Johor and now we are driving north, back up to Kuala Lumpur. I believe this is a restaurant that most of us will see if you did pass by Pavillion to Bukit Bintang area. This is HAKKA VILLAGE.

I simply love it because it's open air with truly lovely decoration and not only that, you can view the twin towers from this lovely place.
great combination taste. Spicy with salty were just good for starter even there's no such serving sequences in Asian cuisine.
I heard this was normally for soup but the way the cook it was nice too. I little more gravy than usual veges but simple cooking with chopped garlic and shrimp. Simple but fantastic then those complicated one.
I think this is very normal, nothing much special compare to what I have before but really not bad.
Not ordinary at all. Texture and taste much lively than ordinary one. Texture taste much better. Personally think the chicken species that they cook might be different from the ordinary one that we usually have. That's the extraordinary out of it.