It's Shirley buddy big day. We had been spending almost the whole day together and hope she is having great fun. This is a video specially made for her because pictures makes better words than I do. There is lots more of pictures to come for my current post. Love ya GurL, and wish you Happy 22nd Birthday!!!!!
Recently, I am up to more nature photography. Those who know me well knows that I am always girl with my babe (camera) around. Non stop taking food places and something which is akward and new to my eyes. Nowadays I find out that the view out from my balcony and window is so tentative and fascinating that I did not realise before. Here are some shot that I had taken and I hope for some comment for my improvement in future! SUNSET FROM WINDOW VIEW For this picture, I take in two ways. a wish for brighter sky but somehow when I get the color of sky I want the light out from the blue cloud could not be seen clearly. Only when I set it to darker mode then the light out of the cloud could be emphasize out. LIGHT, SIGN OF BETTER DAY
but u still not yet tell me how u make this leh !!!
forget liao ar ???
very nice loh !!!!