I think Shirley's birthday is a great one this year except of some unexpected ruuined of planned by some of the guys. Forget about it. We still have many nice memory and having great time together. Let the photos bring out the lovely time we spend together.

After that, all of them having fun time with all the games. UNO STACKO is the hit game of the night. They are playing it madly and cheating of course. But some of they are having fun out of it. The laughter of the night means everything and shows everything. They are happy and enjoying.
See they are cheating in playing. Three people are playing for one.
On the afternoon, we planned to surprise her but somehow runied up by all those guys again....haihz..... =.='''
The night before we wanted to gave her surprise but somehow it doesn't work because Garry were talking to her during we rand the doorbell.
It was a nice one and we are having fun.

The second cake of her birthday and also her favorite birthday cake. Really hope she loves it and we had put lots of effort in it.

Opening the champagne is a must since it is included. I really love this moment because this means it is a precious moment of all. I don't know why but somehow I just like it.

生日快乐! 噢?
not bad huh ur eye sight
*what shirley want to said leh ???
stupid me lah........