Miri favorite sushi hangout is always our neighbour country Brunei but at KL we always have lots of choice other than the usual mention Sushi King. I will be introducing Sakae Sushi. The environment, food and services were as competitive as Sushi King. I can't compare it with Brunei Escapade as I never been there before.
There are only 7 of us but the table is full of food!!!! Let me bring you to the world of food.
Salmon Don
This is Garry's choice of the day. It definitely looks great and it looks yummy too for me because I love salmon LOTS LOTS!!!!!
There are only 7 of us but the table is full of food!!!! Let me bring you to the world of food.
Salmon Don
This is Garry's choice of the day. It definitely looks great and it looks yummy too for me because I love salmon LOTS LOTS!!!!!
This is Pei Sze's choice of the day. She said it was just alright so I think it is just average. i don't know how to evaluate how great an unagi taste because personally I don't love unagi much but still I did eat because its food what!!
The name I gave it myself because on the receipt they just mention green plate. What the........ =.=''' But this is not bad. The salmon taste fresh and I think there is slightly different from Sushi King because they had more vinegar on it, which I think taste good too.

Oppss....the recipt did not print out the name of this food. So BAD!! But never mind. This is something about tauhu that had been fried. I did not get to try this but I believe those who love tauhu much is not gona miss this as their pick of the day!

Chicken Kamameshi
If I am not mistaken and forgetful this should be YYC pick of the day. Looks not bad and taste great I guess because looks sometimes represent the taste but not always. But he seems to enjoy his food pretty much so that's why I gave this kind of prediction.

This is an order from Garry and he loves loves this A LOT!!! And I mean truly LOTS!!! He had been ordering 4 plates of this. This is actually fried mixed vegetable. You can find orange carrot, white carrot, brinjal, sweet potatoes and others. It taste not bad but for those who don't love vege much I guess they wouldn't have this on their table.
I tell you this is definitely gona attract you if you are one of a kind like me, Salmon or Sashimi lovers. Some people do not like raw meat but this is so fresh and lovely! Ya you see it right, I said lovely but too bad I have to eat it too!!!! hahhahaa.....
Opppssss...I don't know whatever this two called but I don't really love this. I called it the fish egg for the orange thingy above it. Buddies are having them and they definitely satifies with the taste so I would assume and make assumption that ity taste great too!!!

Ebi Tempura
This tempura definitely taste good just like how it looks. The crispy and yellowish color of the tempura makes your saliva drops and hunger of it. You will love it once you tried it. So, never miss this on your table.

Gyu Don
This is beef meat and surely a favorite for beef lovers. Once again I don't know how it taste and I don't eat beef. I could only say the person who have this does not speak a word while eating this because he is busy having it and it looks so delicious to him. Should be tasting great!

Chicken Shiogayaki
This is my choice of the day. I think the hot plate looks cool that is why I had pick it. I always choose something that looks cool rather than how it taste. Hahahaha..
But I think it is average. I love the mushroom more because it is really fresh and I have to remind you the hot plate is real HOT!