No one actually suspicious what actually is in the parcel that I had received few days ago!! Besides I want to keep it till the times come too!! Now it is the time!!!!!!!!!!
This is a historical moment which deserves some special celebration or some sort of special stuff. Kindly visit makanmaniacs for more info and more food review!!
I was curious of what you receive from Miri (I guess) are such a lucky girl who can always receive parcel!!
Anyway, bravo to the founder of the project dasolve, who might not know me, and other staff members....Not to forget the existence of Miri's cafes & restaurants!!
Got la but not for ousiders yet...
so happy that i get to have it
yeah i shall consider myself as a really lucky girl. U will c him when u go chatroom on MC net sometimes...hehe..miss u JC!!
Thank you for anyone who has mentally supported the site (it is not my effort, it is everyone's effort). Without everyone, MM is zero to none.
Thanks mui for promoting my site. She has helped a lot in promoting :)
hehe, just my opinion la...hope the designer won't mind ya^^