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SHOUT AWARDS had been officially organise last night. I can't make myself there because firstly I do not have entrance ticket, secondly it is way too far and third I had no companion and last I don't wana pack with others and some more you had to stand the whole night. BUT of course I did watch it LIVE from 8TV because it is the officially broadcast station. This is the very first TV awards organise by 8TV and sponsor by HOTLINK. This actually looks big when you see their ads and additionally when the special guest is somewhere so far from the western country Jamaica, SEAN KINGSTON. I never expect some local show can actually invite guest from somewhere so far and yet so popular. So who will ever miss this out, at least I won't.
The show is basically alright and can't rate as GOOD or either BAD! For the very first time I think they had done a good job but not great and I definitely impress with the whole design and concept they came out with. The stage design is definitely a great one!
Nothing much actually impress me for the performance EXCEPT one which I had been expecting and it did blast off the stage and take my breath away. Jaclyn Victor tribute to Michael Jackson. She is really awesome. I had been really impressed on her voice since I saw her on the very first Malaysian Idol. I think she blew everyone off with her powerful yet great voice. She looks stunning and gorgeous with her new hairstyle. She sing 2 of Micheal's popular song, " You're Not Alone " and another one I can't really remember the name.

She even dress alike Michael Jackson and at that moment I was like so so touched and actually recalled back of our King of Pop, Michael Jackson. I really feel the pain of losing the famous and great entertainer and he will always be in our heart forever.

How can Jaclyn Victor go home with an empty hand. She won the most POWERFUL VOCAL AWARD and I think she definitely deserves it. Like I said I was impressed and I believe most of us impress that with such a tiny body she had she can have such a powerful voice. I am always proud of her.

SEAN KINGSTON is the last guest to performs and special guest is always the one to end a lovely show. I think he did hit up the whole stadium and brings up the environment to the peak. Everyone was shouting madly and of course it suits the award name, SHOUT AWARDS! It actually ended quite well and definitely a great beginning for the music and entertainment industry of Malaysia.

(*pictures all taken from *TV site - credit to them)


Anonymous said…
8tv is trying to create a new atmosphere in the entertainment industry. there goes the old entertainer and welcome to the new comers in the industry. as for me, shout awards is not really a recognise awards like AIM, APM, and AJL.
-pEi- said…
I never knew that because don't really know what is going on for the awards but certainly good songs will be recognise.
Thanks for the piece of info.
Mysterious Lady said…
i personally think sean kingston's performance was very disappointing.
Anonymous said…
yup... sean kingston only miming..u couldn't even hear d voice accept for the solo (without music session), hardly. Our local artist performance are far more better.. he was very lucky that the crowd went crazy with the popular songs. cud have juz let d crowd listen to his CD..
-pEi- said…
mysterious lady,
ya due to the background music or some mistake done by all those incharge

agree with u and I think Jac did better

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